Installing PrivateGPT: Your Local ChatGPT-Style LLM Model with No Internet Required - A Step-by-Step Guide

What is PrivateGPT?

PrivateGPT is a robust tool designed for local document querying, eliminating the need for an internet connection. Whether you're a seasoned researcher, a developer, or simply eager to explore document querying solutions, PrivateGPT offers an efficient and secure solution to meet your needs. To assist you in getting started, we've created an accompanying YouTube video that provides a detailed, step-by-step installation demonstration!

Built on the foundation of Langchain, PrivateGPT supports both GPT4ALL and LLAMA-CPP models, making it a versatile choice for a wide range of applications.

PrivateGPT currently supports running on CPU only.

1. Clone the PrivateGPT repository After cloning go inside the PrivateGPT folder in the terminal or open it with the code editor

2. Create a virtual environment

Run Python command to create a virtual environment

1python -m venv venv

3. Activate the virtual environment

Activating virtual env on Mac or Linux

1source venv/bin/activate

Activating virtual env on Windows


To deactivate the virtual environment use this deactivate command


Install dependency for PrivateGPT A list of required packages to run PrivateGPT are stored in requirements.txt, If you want to install multiple packages at once or store the package version for future use, you can keep the package name with the version in a text file, name of the text file can be anything.

1pip install -r requirements.txt

4. Download LLM model

PrivateGPT supports GPT4ALL and LLAMA models, you can download the GPT4ALL models from here. To download LLAMA models go to , choose the model based on your computer resources.

Places the downloaded model in the models folder inside PrivateGPT

GPT4ALL models

LLAMA models Llama-2-7b-hf Llama-2-7b-chat

5. Configuring PrivateGPT

Create a new .env file and copy the values from example.env,

Config to run GPT4All

1PERSIST_DIRECTORY=db 2MODEL_TYPE=GPT4All 3MODEL_PATH=models/wizardlm-13b-v1.1-superhot-8k.ggmlv3.q4_0.bin 4EMBEDDINGS_MODEL_NAME=all-MiniLM-L6-v2 5MODEL_N_CTX=1000 6MODEL_N_BATCH=8 7TARGET_SOURCE_CHUNKS=4

Config to run LlamaCpp


source_documents is where you have to put all the files to use in PrivateGPT, it comes with the default file, remove the default file and all your files into the source_documents directory.

The supported source document extensions are:

9. Ingest all files

Run the command to ingest all the data, this will create a vector data


Asking questions to your documents

Run the command to ask question
