Master Flutter - Learn Dart & Flutter by Developing 5 Apps, available in udemy

Author: Lutfor Rahman
Provided by udemy
Certificate Available
paid Course
video Course
advanced Level
Category  flutter


Learn Google Flutter & Dart by Developing 5 Real Life & Enterprise Apps including UI, App Dashboard and API,
  • Developing Android & iOS apps using Dart & Flutter
  • Design Professional Looking Apps
  • Design and Develop Enterprise Apps
  • Develop eCommerce & Blog App, API & App Dashboard - using Flutter & Laravel & MySQL, Sqflite, Shared preferences and Stripe
  • Develop News App, API & App Dashboard - using Flutter & NodeJS/ExpressJS & MySQL and Realtime notification using Firebase Cloud Message
  • Develop a todo app using Dart, Flutter and Sqflite
  • Publish Apps at Play Store and App Store
  • Monetize Your App
  • ,

    Welcome to the Master Flutter - Learn Dart & Flutter by Developing 5 Apps. You will Learn Google Flutter & Dart by Developing 20 Real Life & Enterprise Apps including UI, App Dashboard and API and become Full Stack Mobile App Developer.

    This is the only course based on Real Life & Enterprise Apps including UI, App Dashboard and API. In course, you will learn not only developing Mobile Apps using Flutter but also learn how to design beautiful UI and develop App Dashboard and API. using market's most popular framework like : Laravel(PHP/MySQL), ExpressJS(NodeJS/MySQL).

    In this course you will learn how to develop Android and iOS app using Flutter & Dart and publish to PlayStore and AppStore and earn real money from your app.

    You will learn how to design beautiful looking Mobile UI's using Flutter & Dart

    Nevertheless, you will learn how to develop API using Laravel and NodeJS/ExpressJS . You will learn how to host those API and connect with your mobile apps.

    You will learn different kinds of Design Patterns.

    You will learn how to design an enterprise mobile app and you will learn to develop sell-able