The Ultimate Guide to Unity Designpatterns, available in udemy

Author: Andreas Metz
Provided by udemy
Certificate Available
paid Course
video Course
advanced Level
Category  unity3d


Improve your Coding Skills in the Unity3D Engine beyond beginner Level with Designpatterns for Unity.,
  • Queue Actions of the player, so they are executed one after another
  • Create a history of player-actions with an undo-Functionality
  • Write cleaner code
  • Improve the performance of your game
  • Improve your game's data-structure by using ScriptableObjects
  • Implement the Singleton, Objectpool, Flyweight and Command - Designpatterns in your game
  • ,

    If you already possess a fundamental understanding of C# and the Unity Engine and want to improve your coding skills further, then this course is for you.

    The Ultimate Guide to Unity Designpatterns introduces you to best practice solutions for common problems in gameprogramming. You will discover how you can improve the quality of your code by using these important Designpatterns, which are specifically adapted to make use of the unique features of the Unityengine, like for example ScriptableObjects.

    In this course you will:

    • Implement best practice Solutions to common problems in gameprogramming

    • Discover the Singleton - Designpattern

      - Structure your game more elegantly

    • Discover the ObjectPool - Designpattern

      - Improve the performance of your game

    • Discover the Command-Designpattern

      - Implement a history of player-actions with an Undo-Functionality

      - Queue Actions of a player, so they are executed one after another

    • Discover the Flyweight - Designpattern

      - Improve your game's data-structure by using ScriptableObjects

      - Reduce the RAM-Usage of your game

    This course is very project-based and practical, so you will implement the concepts directly in small games.

    For each Concept you will be challenged to implement it yourself, but if you don't feel up to the task you will also be shown a well explained step-by-step guide how to implement it.

    The course also features several Demo-Projects, where you can look up best practice implementations.

    It also features Projects which are specifically designed to compare the performance of different approaches for implementing these Designpatterns.

    Why learn from me?

    I have been a game-programming teacher for more than 5 years now and as a result have plenty of experience in what works and what doesn't when teaching programming. Also I am a firm believer, that you can only learn the high craft (some might even say art) of programming, if you practice it. Which is why I put much effort into making the advantages of these designpatterns clear by giving you small practical assignments where you are challenged to improve an existing game's code with these designpatterns.

    Become a better Programmer, now! I'll meet you inside the course!

    Who is the target Audience?

    • Unity users who want to improve their programming skills beyond basic tutorials

    • Programmers who want to improve the Performance, Quality  and Expandability of their Code

    • Coders who want to add a few battle-proven solutions for common problems in gameprogramming to their toolkit