Universal React with Next.js. Complete guide - Updated 2020, available in udemy

Author: MoHo Khaleqi
Provided by udemy
Certificate Available
paid Course
video Course
beginner Level
Category  react


Including React, ES6, Firebase/firestore, Firebase/auth and many new ideas,
  • Next js
  • React
  • ES6
  • JavaScript
  • Web development
  • Firebase
  • Firebase/Firestore
  • Firebase/Auth
  • ,

    Next.js is a react framework which is very popular and a lot of big companies are using it. You can use Next.js to build universal JavaScript application. Think of react code which works for Server Side Rendering as well as Client Side Rendering and no pain when it comes to SEO.

    In this course you will learn a lot of new features about this framework.

    The course has been updated on Feb 2020 with Next.js v9