C++ Data Types

C++ provides various data types to store different types of values. The size of the data type determines the amount of memory that is allocated for a particular variable. Let's look at some of the most commonly used data types in C++.

Integer Data Types

int: This is used for storing integer values. It can store both positive and negative whole numbers. The size of an int data type can be either 2 bytes or 4 bytes, depending on the compiler and the operating system.

1int x = 10; 2int y = -20;

Floating-point Data Types

float: This data type is used for storing floating-point values. It can store real numbers with a single precision. The size of a float data type is 4 bytes.

1float x = 10.5; 2float y = -20.6;

double: This data type is also used for storing floating-point values. The difference between float and double is that double can store real numbers with double precision. The size of a double data type is 8 bytes.

1double x = 10.5; 2double y = -20.6;

Character Data Types

char: This data type is used for storing single characters. The size of a char data type is 1 byte.

1char x = 'A'; 2char y = 'B';

wchar_t: This data type is used for storing wide characters. The size of a wchar_t data type is 2 bytes.

1wchar_t x = L'A'; 2wchar_t y = L'B';

Boolean Data Types

bool: This data type is used for storing Boolean values (true or false). The size of a bool data type is 1 byte.

1bool x = true; 2bool y = false;

Empty Data Types

void: This data type is used to represent an empty value. It doesn't have a size.

1void x;

C++ Type Modifiers

C++ provides type modifiers to change the size and range of values that can be stored in a variable. Some of the type modifiers are:

  • short
  • long
  • signed
  • unsigned

For example, short int, long int, signed int, and unsigned int are different data types that store integer values with different sizes and ranges.